SPOILER WARNING AND EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. Not for kids. Nor people who dislike spoilers. Nor anyone, really.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Digimon Tri First Few Minutes Impressions

Clip of the first few minutes is floating around the web. We got this particular one from a YouTube user by the name of "diginami Tail" who you should go follow:

Used without permission because this clip is Toei's; it's their material that we're commenting on under Fair Use.

Note: the title card of the video at the beginning says we're making no money off of this. As of January 31, 2016, that remains true. Carlos has recently set up a Patreon tip jar to cover editing overhead and hosting (as a backup in case of unwarranted copyright takedowns). We can't promise that, via said tip jar or other means, we won't financially benefit from this particular video. Keep in mind that it's still Toei's footage, which we're using under Fair Use, and unless Fair Use changes, we're in the clear, legally/morally. This warning supercedes the title card's.

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